Power: 140-199bhp

Rigidity Refresh
Rigidity Increase (rollcage)
Racing Brakes
Carbon Driveshaft
FC Suspension

Spring Rate: 5.0/5.5
Ride Height: 112/115
Bound: 3/3
Rebound: 5/6
Camber: 1.2/1.0
Toe: 0/0
Stabilizers: 3/2
The NA Miata is a fantastic car (I should know, I own one). They are fun and easy to drive, yet they are cars that a driver can learn a lot in. With the same car and three different setups this car can participate in 3 different races. I decided I wanted one of the setups to closely match SCCA's spec Miata rules. In those rules the car must weigh (driver included) more than the stock models. For this reason I chose a 1000kg MX-5 instead of one of the lighter models. Spec Miata's tend to have around 115 hp at the wheels, and 140bhp with (an estimated) 17% drive train loss is 116hp.
When I setup these cars I was limited by modifications since some are irreversible. Because of this the car is slightly underpowered for all three races this car is setup to participate in. I've yet to do better than 2nd in the Clubman Cup races (not counting Deep Forest), I can only just win some of the NR-A races, and while the Compact Cup races are very difficult I can win them with the spec Miata setup. In a way I think this makes the car all the more successful at what it does best, teach the driver how to become better.

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