Power: 258bhp
Rigidity Refresh
Rigidity Increase (rollcage)
Sports Exhaust
Racing Brakes
Turbo Stage 1
Sports Intercooler
Computer Equip
Twin-plate Clutch
Sports Flywheel
Carbon Driveshaft
FC Suspension
N3-S3 Tires
Spring Rate: 6.0/5.5
Ride Height: 120/120
Bound: 2/3
Rebound: 4/6
Camber: 1.4/1.4
Toe: 0/0
Stabilizers: 3/2
As you've noticed AWDA is taking a much more minimalistic approach to tuning cars. Before I would change every setting possible, but now I figure why fix what isn't broken. If the LSD can't be adjusted better than stock then there's no point in spending the Cr. on the parts. This keeps cost down on our cars. In many cases I like to keep 5 speed transmissions just that, and so I have used the close gearing to improve accleration (almost 0.3 seconds faster over one km from a standing start) and switched to 6 speeds.
I had a chance to buy a '89 N/A RX-7 but it has almost the same power to weight ratio as the '96 Miata I was looking at. In the end I decided on the Miata based on the fact that it has better fuel economy. I'm glad I did now because if the game is an accurate simulation of how a stock turbo RX-7 handles then the MX-5 handles better. However, the chassis is no doubt Mazda perfect. A few tweaks, stiffer springs, and this car is ready to go. I do have to warn that on road tires this car is more tail happy than I'd like. Because of this I spent a considerable amount of time trying to adjust the suspension so that it was easy to control the slides. in the end this car is easy to drift, fun to race, and a great looking car.

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