Power: 225bhp
Rigidity Refresh
Rigidity Increase (rollcage)
Sports Exhaust
Racing Brakes
Turbo Stage 2
Computer Equip
Twin-plate Clutch
Sports Flywheel
1 way LSD
Carbon Driveshaft
Original Suspension
S3 Tires
Spring Rate: 6.0/5.0
Ride Height: 90/100
Shocks: 4/3
Camber: 0.5/1.5
Toe: 0/-1
Stabilizers: 3/1
It is completely possible that this car might have been based on a car from a Japanese story... On the other hand it is completely possible that this turbocharged Levin isn't. Down to the facts though...
This is perhaps one of the worst chassis I've ever tried to tune. However I devoted a lot of time to this car to tune it as best as possible. I used the suspension package I did so I could lower it enough to make it look sporty. To tune out a sort of tweaking feeling the chassis had even after the rollcage, I adjusted the front anti-roll bars stiffer and then lessened the camber to match. The result is a car that on semi-slicks can participate in the Clubman Cup races.
Toyota Corolla Levin, it seems to me an good vehicle between all the models of Corolla. I think i will buy a model and will gift to my wife. I love her very much.
And i come back again here. You know after reading this blog i bought a Levin and gifted to my wife on her birthday and since then she is using this model and is happy with its outstanding features. Thanks to you and this post.
Thanks for a nice post .Every body knows the Toyota is a big name and his product also good .
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