Power: 175bhp
Rigidity Refresh
Sports Exhaust
Computer Equip
Single Clutch
Sports Flywheel
1.5 way LSD
FC Suspension
S3 Tires
Spring Rate: 5.0/3.5
Ride Height: 119/129
Bound: 2/3
Rebound: 6/2
Camber: 1.0/1.0
Toe: 0/-1
Stabilizers: 1/1
I had tuned this car to manage 198bhp; however 175bhp is more than enough to win the Civic races. I think this detuned version actually provides a more dynamic experience anyway since the power is better balance to the drive train type. The most important thing to remember when driving this car is how to manage the weight in such a way that it eliminates the understeer. This car starts understeering when the weight gets taken off the front wheels. Any way the driver finds to keep weight on the front wheels during the crucial parts of a corner will keep this car handling as it should.
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