Power: 247bhp
Racing Brakes
NA Tuning Stage 2
Twin-plate Clutch
Semi-racing Flywheel
FC Suspension
S3 Tires
Rear Wing (optional)
Spring Rate: 7.0/9.0
Ride Height: 128/125
Bound: 3/3
Rebound: 8/10
Camber: 0.5/0.5
Toe: 0/0
Stabilizers: 3/2
Initial: 20
Acceleration: 30
Deceleration: 15
With Wing:
Change ride height to: 125/125
Downforce: 0/10
Without the wing the Stratos takes a little talent to handle in a race, which is only made worse by cold tires. I would recommend the wing, but as the video below shows it isn't necessary. The stock Stratos does handle great and the oversteer is easy to control, but I wanted more power and stability. With the increased stability, and even with the wing, the Stratos will still do epic slides, but the extra stability makes it easier to race. One of the negative effects of making the car more stable is that it does require a bit quicker reactions than the stock car does to avoid losing control of the vehicle.
(video currently down)
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