Power: 575bhp
Rigidity Increase (rollcage)
Racing Brakes
Brake Balance Controller
Turbo Stage 2
Racing Intercooler
Computer Equip
FC Transmission
Twin-plate Clutch
Semi-racing Flywheel
Carbon Driveshaft
FC Suspension
S3 Tires
Brake Controller:
Brakes: 5/4
Spring Rate: 11.0/9.0
Ride Height: 120/130
Bound: 4/4
Rebound: 8/4
Camber: 3.0/2.0
Toe: 2/-1
Stabilizers: 2/2
Transmission (set the transmission in the order that is listed):
Autoset: 24
Final Gear: 4.100
1st: 2.870
2nd: 1.870
3rd: 1.385
4th: 1.070
5th: 0.845
6th: 0.660
Initial: 10/15
Acceleration: 15/20
Deceleration: 5/10
(Based on the 2009 model) The car that makes European dads sweat. No weight reductions, remember this is a wagon. If you stripped it out it wouldn't serve its purpose. It does understeer, but it can lap the Ring just 7 seconds slower then the CTR2 with a 7:25.
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