Power: 394bhp
Racing Brakes
FC Transmission
FC Suspension
S3 Tires
Spring Rate: 8.5/10.0
Ride Height: 110/120
Bound: 4/4
Rebound: 8/10
Camber: 2.0/0.5
Toe: 0/0
Stabilizers: 4/5
Transmission (set the transmission in the order that is listed):
Autoset: 8
1st: 3.000
2nd: 2.160
3rd: 1.560
4th: 1.235
5th: 1.000
6th: 0.805
Final Gear: 3.650
Initial: 15
Acceleration: 30
Deceleration: 30
Of course the stock RUF BTR already handles well. The handling is friendly, but very very naughty. The thing takes every chance it gets to get sideways, which doesn’t very well suit my type of driving. The goal to this simple suspension modification is to make the car drift less often, while still keeping the slides that are necessary easy to control. This has inevitably introduced some understeer to the car, but I far prefer this setup to the stock one. Normally I would have much softer anti-roll bars; however with this chassis, the softer the anti-roll bars create a greater the tendency for the car to get the upper hand of the driver. Like with all Porsches, this RUF needs tender control input and it will reward you dearly.